Church School 9:30 am
Sunday Worship 10:45 am
Tuesday Bible Exploration 6:30 pm
Church School & Bible Exploration teleconference number (978) 990-5296 (access code 805473#)
Sunday Worship livestream @ 10:45 am and Bible Exploration teleconference starts at 6:15 pm livestream starts at 6:30 pm. To view, click the heading Watch at the top of this page, scroll down and click on Watch Facebook Live
Meet the Staff
Linda Walton
Administrative Assistant to Dr. Cameron Mays
Assistant Director of Highways, and Hedges Outreach Ministry
Disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, servant leader, scented fragrance to the body of Christ, native of Los Angeles, California, graduate of Thomas Jefferson High School, and retired Human Resources Generalist. Linda serves as Administrative Assistant, and secretary to Dr. Cameron Mays, Lead Pastor, Assistant Director of Highways, and “Hedges Outreach Ministry” at The Refinery COGP. Linda has the gift of Helps. She has worked on various levels of ministry, teaching Church School, leading the music ministry, church decor, and program themes at facilities. Linda endeavor to please God, and complete her assignment on earth as she awaits the second coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ!
Evangelist Carolyn Walton
Director of Refined Women of God Women’s Ministry
A charitable servant leader, having received the gift of salvation during adolescence, kingdom ambassador, multi-facet gift, serves on the board of trustees, treasury board, and director of “Refined Women of God” ministry. Evangelist Carolyn was confirmed to the office of the Prophet by the late Bishop B.R. Benbow, and Presbytery of 88th Street Church of God in Christ, Inc. She was licensed as a missionary Mother Joan Walker, California State Supervisor of Women, and ordained in office of the evangelist by Dr. Cameron Mays, Lead Pastor of the Refinery Church (2017). A mother of three sons, Curtis, Charles, Cameron, and (Christopher) proceeded her in death. She enjoyed a wonderful career after retiring as Department of Defense Air Force Civilian, and Financial Management. Evangelist Carolyn looks forward to kingdom building, and serving Gods people!
Evangelist Sandra Walton
Director of Highways and Hedges Outreach Ministry
A disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, anointed to bring good news to the poor, bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound describes this servant leader. She’s a native of Los Angles, California, licensed child technician, youngest sister of (7) siblings, entrepreneur, care giver, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. Evangelist Sandra was confirmed by the Presbytery of the Refinery COGP, licensed and ordained by Dr. Cameron Mays, Lead Pastor (2017). Evangelist Sandra has a diverse, multi-facet skill set serving on the board of trustees, and in the capacity of director for “Highways, and Highways Outreach Ministry”. Her vision is to impact the kingdom of God by developing strategies to assist Los Angeles County with issues of homelessness, youth, and disenfranchised families, the driving force to Evangelist Sandra’s effort, diligence, and consistency in ministry.
Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees
Bishop Cameron J. Mays, James Block, Derrick Fryson, Stinson Brown, Charles Garrett (Not Pictured), Evangelist Carolyn Walton, Linda Walton, and Evangelist Sandra Walton
Refined Women of God Ministry
Refined Women of God sharing the Word of God with power and truth as led by the Holy Spirit every third and fifth Sunday.
You’re cordially invited to join us for PRAYER, PRAISE, AND WORSHIP!
If you have any prayer requests or needs please contact us by clicking on the contact button below.
Thank you for visiting our website, we hope to see you soon - the Lord be with you!

Elder Cameron Mays encountered the Holy Spirit, October 12, 2004, while working the morning shift at Los Angeles County Department of Animal Care & Control in Carson, CA. He was performing normal work related tasks, consumed in thought, burdened concerning marriage, fatherhood, finances, ministry, and career path when the Holy Spirit rested upon him. . It was a cold, crisp day in the South Bay of Southern California, but he sensed the presence of God. He, The Holy Spirit revolutionized Cameron’s life, and thought process in one single moment! The word of the Lord came to him, saying, “Prayer is essential. You’ll have to get between the heartbeat of God, and man! The rhythmic pause between beats are times of intercessory, listening, and waiting for my instructions”. The Holy Spirit spake saying, “Yes, an Animal Shelter Aide. Hear ye these words”.
Hearing the word REFINERY was resounding in his mind, and rather peculiar. He had difficulty determining its significance metaphorically, philosophically, or contextually, but refinery resonated in his spirit. Elder Mays remembers speaking a loud, saying, why me Lord? I’m a maintenance worker for abandoned, diseased, and dangerous animals. The Lord replied, saying, “You are to name the ministry Refinery Church, for you will bring deliverance from your own experience to heal my people.” And He, the Holy Spirit departed that very moment thereafter.
It was providential that from a dog kennel, The Refinery Church was born, given a name, and brought forth in the month of November, in the year of our Lord, Two-Thousand and Four with Aneesa D. Smith-Mays, 13 month old son, Micah, who would later launch from the living room of their home at 11249 Sassafras Rd, Fontana, CA by the help of Almighty God.